Trying the Victoria Secret Model Diet for 7 days (I’m shook)
in this video i ate like 5 different models (3 vs angels, and 2 other models) and copied their workouts as well. I hope you learn some healthy meal ideas and new workouts !! VS models are known for being toned, having ab definition, and a flat stomach, so why not try it !!
flat tummy tea:
margarita pizza recipe:
pasta recipe:
the models diets and workouts:
☆kendall jenner:
☆gigi hadid:
☆emily ratajkowski:
☆stella maxwell:
☆cambrie schroder: (her meal plans and exercises)
☆ ALL SOCIALS ☆ (instagram, vsco, pinterest, tiktok, etc): @fernandaraamirez
business inquiries:
☆age: 18
☆height: 5’6
☆location: Vancouver, Canada
☆camera: Canon g7x Mark llI
☆editing software: final cut pro x
i do not own any of the music used in this video
Music by Mark Generous – Meganne –
Music by Eric Reprid – June Blues –
Music by Gil Wanders – Dreams –
Music by HOAX – Beach House –
affiliates !!
-use code “FERN123” for $$$ off on YESSTYLE
FTC: some links are affiliate links (I make a commission off of a purchase but you don’t pay extra
sub count: 40,511
#whatieatinaweek #eatinglikeavictoriasecretmodel