MY UPDATED Skincare Routine for 2020 YA’ll!!!! Yaya I am so excited to upload this video. I LOVE Results Driven Skincare and I love sharing my passion with YOU! Make sure to Like this video, subscribe to my channel and comment below, my favorite part about YouTube is connecting with all of you.
If you are ready to be a CEO of the beauty industry make sure to subscribe and be the first to know when new videos get posted!
Instagram: @TheModernEsthetician
The Modern Esthetician’s Mentorship:
Create Professional branded images:
Email me: KelseyA88@hotmail.com
Products used for my
AM Skincare Routine:
Cleanser: BPO 10% Cleansing Bar
Cleansing Tool:
Toner: Obagi Toner
Eye Cream: SkinMedica Instant Bright Eye Cream:
Antioxidants #1: SkinCeuticals Phloretin CF with Ferulic Acid Vitamin C Serum
Antoxidant #2: SkinMedica Lumivive System
Hydration: SkinMedica HA5
Sunscreen: Avene Mineral SPF
Healing Balm: Truth Treatments Omega Healing Balm
Products used for my
PM Skincare Routine:
Cleanser: BPO 10% Cleansing Bar
Cleansing Tool:
Tightening Laser: Nira Skin Laser
GET 10% off Use Code: MODERN10
Toner: Truth Treatments
Growth Factors: SkinMedica TNS recovery Complex
Eye Cream: Obagi Elastiderm Eye Cream
Antioxidants: SkinMedica Lumivive System
Pigment Control: SkinMedica Lytera
Retinol: Truth Treatments Retinol
Lip Care: SkinCeuticals Antioxidant Lip Repair
Healing Balm: Truth Treatments Omega Healing Balm
OutFit DEETS::::::
The BEST jeans of my life!: Levi’s :
Calvin Klein Women’s Modern Cotton Bralette:
#esthetician #aesthetician #skincare #skin #product #beauty #skincareroutine #skincarebeauty #esty #estystudent #medicalesthetician #masterestheticain #skintherapist #skincareregimen #estheticianlife #professionalskincare #professional #girlboss #bossbabe #beautyboss #professionalesthetician #estheticianstudent #estheticianintraining
#estheticianschool #PaulMitchellschool #estheticstudent
@obagimedical @SkinMedica @TruthTreatments @Eau Thermale Avène FR
Affiliate Links:::: I only use and talk about products that I 100% use and believe in. I have so many companies asking for me to represent their products and it is my professional and personal obligation to ONLY represent products that have studies, provide results and are the best of the best in the industry. Some links I use are affiliate links and give me a commission, which helps me to provide my professional opinion to those who need it on this platform.