Microdermabrasion vs. HydraFacial – Del Mar Spa – Savvy Skin Spa (858) 755-5754
Microdermabrasion or HydraFacial: Which Treatment Is Right For Your Skin
The number of exfoliating facial treatments seems to increase every year. This is a good thing for you because it means you have a wide variety of options any time you visit a spa in Del Mar, Ca or any other city. You’re no longer limited to a treatment that you find uncomfortable or too invasive. Even though some treatments deliver similar results, the methods of application are different and it often comes down to a matter of personal preference.
If you’ve visited a spa in the past, then you’ve probably heard of microdermabrasion treatments. These are powerful, yet non-invasive exfoliating treatments. They come in two varieties: crystal microdermabrasion and diamond microdermabrasion. Now there is a new competitor in the market: the HydraFacial. Let’s take a look at what these treatments have to offer.
Microdermabrasion Treatments
Microdermabrasion treatments have been around for some time and are preferred by the majority of people. They’re non-invasive and don’t rely on any chemicals to get the job done. Crystal microdermabrasion treatments have been around for the longest. These rely on shooting a stream of aluminum oxide crystals into the skin and then sucking away dead skin cells with a vacuum hose.
Many people now prefer diamond microdermabrasion. Instead of launching crystals towards the face, a simple diamond tipped wand is rubbed against the skin. Each time it is passed over a certain area it removes an outer layer of skin, revealing younger, healthier skin below. It can be used to remove fine scars, age spots, and wrinkles.
HydraFacial Treatments.
The HydraFacial option is generally viewed as a more gentle and subtle alternative. It works in multiple stages that are fine tuned for specific skin types and conditions. It starts with a cleansing, then moves to a peel, then an extraction phase, and finally a serum application. The serum is applied with a special machine known as a Vortex-Fusion serum delivery system.
The Vortex-Fusion system and the serum are where the main advantages of the HydraFacial treatment come from. It helps the skin replenish some much needed nutrients in a way that microdermabrasion does not.
Which Is Right For You?
At the end of the day, they are both excellent treatments. If you feel you would better benefit from the extra nutrients and antioxidants supplied by the Vortex-Fusion system, then the HydraFacial treatment is worth a try. If you want a deeper exfoliating stage, then the microdermabrasion treatment is best.