Thank you all for watching a lot of you loved my makeup in my #Beautycon video and asked for a tutorial so here you go!
Thank all for watching! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!! #SHARE
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Business email : queeniirozenblad@gmail.com
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what I use to wash my face :
Vitagoods Spin for Perfect Skin
Purchase at www.vanityplanet.com
Coupon Code: Spin3R
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Direct Link:
Flawless skin/everyday foundation routine :
brow tutorials:
winged liner tutorial:
how to apply lashes :
how i clean up my brows using hair remover:
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Products used :
L.a Girl pro conceal concealer in -fawn
L.a Girl pro primer in nude
City color cosmetics contour effects kit
Black Opal black shock duo
Black opal Bordeaux bliss duo
kiss ny fiber mascara
Rimmel London kohl eyeliner- black
Maybelline super stay foundation in caramel
City Color cosmetics be matte blush in guava
City Color cosmetics timeless beauty palette
Black opal invisible oil blocking powder