Home Fashion BIBA India Fashion Marketing Strategy – Indian Ethnic Brand Management

BIBA India Fashion Marketing Strategy – Indian Ethnic Brand Management

BIBA India Fashion Marketing Strategy – Indian Ethnic Brand Management

How did the campaign #ChangeIsBeautiful really disrupt the fashion industry ? What were the key insights behind the campaign & the marketing goals?

What is the origin story of BIBA as a brand & the key success factors that helped it scale up?

What is product innovation strategy of BIBA & how does it remain relevant esp. in smaller towns?

How is BIBA doing influencer marketing & using macro, micro influencers ?

What does being an ‘Ethnic Indian’ brand mean & how does it manifest itself ?

Ekta Dutta answers the above questions as she talks about a pioneer ethnic brand BIBA, which has many firsts in the area of Indian ethnicwear marketing & brand-building.

Ekta Dutta is Head Of Marketing at BIBA Apparels Private Limited. Ekta has over 15 years of experience across categories with a passion for understanding consumers and translating the knowledge into actionable results that lead to demand generation & increase in revenue.

Connect with Ekta on Linkedin –
Email her at ektadutta@gmail.com

Jagged with Jasravee is facilitated by Jasravee Kaur Chandra, Director- Brand Building, Research & Innovation at Master Sun, Consulting Brand of Adiva L Pvt. Ltd. Jasravee has over 20 years experience as a Strategic Brand Builder,Communications Leader and Entrepreneur.

Please visit Jasravee at
Connect with Jasravee on Linkedin at
Email Jasravee at jasravee@theadiva.com

0:00 Preview & Introduction to Ekta
2:35 Disruptive Fashion Campaign #ChangeIsBeautiful
9:56 Pioneer Story of BIBA & Key Success Factors for Rapid Scale Up
13:21 Product Innovation Strategy of BIBA – Brand for 3 Generations
18:14 Strategy for Penetrating Small Towns
20:45 What’s Changing in Ethnic Fashion esp. After Onset of Pandemic
25:03 Posturing & Showcasing Collections vs Meaningful Branding
28:05 Influencer Marketing Strategy, Beats of BIBA song
32:34 New Styles BIBA is Launching
33:47 Being an Indian Brand ; Brand for Occasions
38:21 Rapid Fire – Personally Speaking with Ekta
41:18 Connecting with Ekta

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#bibamarketingstrategy #bibamarketinghead #fashionbrand #fashionbrandstory #Biba #BibaIndia #BibaGirls #ChangeIsBeautiful #influencermarketing #branding101 #Bibafashion #Fashionmarketing #Fashionbranding #marketingstrategies #brandingstrategy



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