Home Fashion Media Coverage at IIFT ROORKEE|The India's Fashion Week held at Bikaner house NewDelhi 2nd,3rd April

Media Coverage at IIFT ROORKEE|The India's Fashion Week held at Bikaner house NewDelhi 2nd,3rd April

Media Coverage at IIFT ROORKEE|The India's Fashion Week held at Bikaner house NewDelhi 2nd,3rd April

The India’s Fashion Week held at Bikaner house new delhi choriographer and host was a well known celeb kaushik ghosh and Mrs India 2019 Shalani Bhatiya, Mrs Means manhotra was the show stoper. IIFT ROORKEE has got a golden chance to present there design on such a big platform all the designers are so excited for the show and prepration was going on from a month and we have achived what we want all thanks to chairman of IIFT Mr Ratandeep lal and Director of IIFT ROORKEE Mrs Neelam Batra and Mr Rajander Batra.
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