Learn the tricks and traits of starting an international fashion brand from a single room in this masterclass with India’s King Maker Marketer Anirudh Birla and Prof. Gaurav Mandal.
Fashion brands are different from clothing companies . Fashion brands generate a sense of pride & aspiration in their consumers where as clothing companies just sell product. Fashion brands can up-charge on their commodities but clothing companies cannot . The idea of of fashion brand is to have an ever expanding business but it is an impossible dream for a clothing company. #fashionbrand #brand #fashion
Online Fashion courses & books on www.gauravmandal.com
Contact: gauravmandaldesign@gmail.com
F A S H I O N D E S I G N P R O C E S S :
F A S H I O N I L L U S T R A T I O N :
F A S H I O N B R A N D S :
R E S U M E / C V :
D E S I G N T H I N K I N G:
D E S I G N E R S T O R I E S :
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