One is never enough. Dresses are never enough. You have to have them according to your mood/day and occasion. Having tailor-made outfits is an investment, cause they last long and perfectly fit you. The tailor-made outfits are only designed and stitched for you.
You never know what is going to be next occasion, so always have new outfits ready so that you don’t struggle the night before. Here a one-stop solution for you.
About CloudTailor:
Meet CloudTailor, your fashion and tailoring partner and we are here to solve all your tailoring problems. We are the only tech-enabled, personalised fashion and tailoring brand in India that caters to women worldwide. We offer fashion and tailoring services through multiple mediums such as the CloudTailor app, website, experience centres and shop-in-shop kiosks.
Wide range of style options
Fashion designer consultation
Online measurements*
Pickup & Delivery
Free lifetime alterations*
Live order tracking
Stitch anywhere, alter anywhere
Give your fabric or buy from us
Why Choose Us:
Wondering how to place an order, it is pretty simple. Check it out here:
Get started now at www.cloudtailor.com
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