For 30 days in a row, I’m sharing short videos with little joys of life. Small things that make me happy every single day.
In our life, we attract what we focus on. They say, to be happy, you just need to DECIDE to be happy and focus on good things every single day. When there are so many challenges in life, it might not be easy, but I’m going to test it. I’ll watch what will change in me, if I make a conscious effort, to focus on joy for 1 month. At least just one joyful thing a day, it should be easy, right? Let’s see!
Subscribe to join my #30daysofjoychallenge and get a happiness boost every day. Share your daily joys, no matter how small they seem, and let’s see what happens! Happy people make a happy world!
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#indianblogger #indianvlogger #happylife #happiness #indiandressing #ethnicwear