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Sadhguru is a spiritual leader, a mystic and a visionary. He has authored several books and founded the Isha Foundation which is a non-profit spiritual organization which focuses on human empowerment and social revitalization. When I had the privilege to meet Sadhguru, I was overwhelmed since a lot of the things I preach about on my channel is pretty similar to Sadhguru’s ideologies too! In this interview clip, I ask him to share some fashion advice to younger India. He tells us amazing stuff about textiles, Indian weaves and he asks something to the Indian Youth! Continue watching to know more!
#Sadhguru #YouthAndTruth
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Video Team :-
Rajas Pardeshi :
Blake D’silva :
Akshat Tiwari :
Girish Agisgekar :
Business Development Team :-
Charmi Sanghvi :
Sanchit Keswani :
Mayank Kaushal :
Video Equipment :-
Canon 5D Mark 4:
Canon F1.4 50mm USM prime lens:
Canon F1.4 28mm USM prime lens:
Canon 70-200 f2.8 IS III USM lens:
Canon 50mm F1.8:
Memory card:
SanDisk Extreme 64gb CF card:
SanDisk Extreme 128gb CF card:
Sennheiser EW122P G4 Cameramount Lapel Wireless Microphone System:
Sennheiser MKE 600 Super-Cardioid Video and Camera Shotgun Microphone for Filming:
Zhiyun Crane 2 Gimbal:
Yunteng Aluminium Tripod With Carry Case For DSLR – Vct-690 – Black:
About :
BeerBiceps by Ranveer Allahbadia is the ULTIMATE self improvement & self help channel. We began as a channel only for fitness & health enthusiasts. Eventually we started covering topics such as fashion, grooming, personal finance, etiquette, meditation, mental health, communication skills & even entrepreneurship.
Today BeerBiceps is the home for The Ranveer Show or TRS – India’s smartest podcast. A show where we host the country’s greatest success stories and try digging out their secrets to success. Every conversation on The Ranveer Show is intellectual, deep & informational. We cover everyone from entrepreneurs to Bollywood film stars to even athletes. Every conversation is an EXTREME learning experience for the viewer.