What is more visual than make-up? As a makeup artist, you know the importance of showcasing your work in the best way possible. Engaging a community of makeup lovers and potential clients is vital when trying to establish credibility and skill.
– Talk about your work, client’s, venues, travel diaries
– Talk about the makeup brands you use and tell people why you use them and tag those brands
– Share everyday makeup tutorials
– Share home recipes, easy to do hacks, answer most frequently asked questions
– Share before after pictures
– Take inspiration from other makeup brands but have your own unique voice and style
– Do free webinars and teach people about everyday makeup
– Share interesting makeup trends from across the globe and thus for the same spend a lot of time on research
– Have views and opinions about makeup industry. Talk about why you liked some celebrity’s makeup and what made it stand out in the crowd
– Share different makeup ideas with followers
– Do makeup challenges and ask people to participate and tag you and you can select winners
– Do challenges like let’s do a make over for our house help or maid and post pictures and tag your brand
– Collaborate with complementary partners like fashion, photography, models, influencers, bloggers and jointly promote each other
– Offer to do makeup for free to an influencer when is about to do her next video or post and ask her to tag you in return and talk about you
– Do behind the scenes
– Show close up pictures so your makeup is clearly visible
– Try different makeup on a mannequin and keep sharing ideas with followers
Interesting? Tag a makeup artist who must know this..
If you are a makeup artist, message us on Instagram messenger with word makeup artist and i can check your profile and give some personal tips too.