Home Aesthetics (12) Cosmetology: TRICHOLOGY Theory for STATE BOARD

(12) Cosmetology: TRICHOLOGY Theory for STATE BOARD

(12) Cosmetology: TRICHOLOGY Theory for STATE BOARD

Covers State Board REQUIREMENTS of Properties of Hair and Scalp; hair shaft and hair root; hair analysis and hair quality: porosity, texture, elasticity, density; Hair Growth; Anagen, Catagen, Telogen; Hair Loss: Alopecia; types of Alopecia: Alopecia Areata, Postpartum Alopetia, androgenic alopecia; Disorders of scalp; dandruff, tinea ringworm, scabies, pediculosis; head lice, hair disorders; split ends, beaded hair, fragile hair. This is a free state board theory class for cosmetologists, skin care therapists, and barbers, beauty school students to pass the TRICHOLOGY part of the written exam and get their license. Video by BeautyHealthTravel Channel.



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