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So everyone wants to make their face look a little slimmer, and here are some tips on how to do that with makeup. The basic idea is contouring. So, my model Maddie already has a little bit of foundation on. What I’m going to do is start by highlighting. So, I took little bit of her foundation and then a little bit of a white foundation by the brand Illamasqua. It’s nice because you can mix it in and it makes things a little bit lighter, a little bit darker. So I’m going to take a hint of that, a little bit of her foundation, and mix that right up.
And I’m going to start by applying it up the top of the cheek bone. Basically, wherever you highlight, you want to combat that with contour. Right now, I’m just kind of highlighting, and I’m blending it in with my finger. Especially when we’re doing some intense highlighting contour like this, it’s going to look kind of crazy when it first goes on, but once it’s blended in, it’ll look really natural and flawless. This is basically where you’re going to apply the highlight, on the tops of the cheeks.
I like to bring it in a little into this area, too. Kind of plump this area out. Sometimes people will get a crease here, so you can put highlight inside of the crease to plump it outwards. If you don’t have the white foundation, you can use anything that’s a little bit lighter than your foundation or your current skin tone. When I’m doing an intense contour like this, I don’t really like to use anything with shimmer. So, everything that I’ll be using for highlight and contour is actually matte.
I’m also going to contour on the top of the nose going up onto the forehead. Bring it up. I’m going to do a little bit in this area right here. I’m basically highlighting the highest parts of the face. You can also bring it down along the jawbone here. And these are the main areas that I like to highlight, but you can do it in other areas based on your face shape.
Next, we want to go through with contour. Like I said before, wherever you highlight, you want to do the opposite area with contour. Since I said we’re using all cream-based or matte highlight or contour, I’m actually going to use my concealer palette by MakeupForever and use some of the deeper shades as the contour. Just make sure you blend, because sometimes creams can be a little bit tricky, but it really gives you a nice contour. And I’ll do it really intense first, just so you can see where it is, but we’re going to blend it out, so don’t’ worry; that’s not how I’m going to leave you looking. Great. You can relax your face. You don’t want to go too far in, so make sure it’s a little bit further out. We say the two-finger rule.
Now that we know where the jawbone is, I’m going to blend downwards. This is basically just making her cheekbones stand out a little more, giving her more of this pop over here. I even like to concentrate a little bit more of the color to the outer part and let it fade this way. So now I’m going to bring the bronzer a little bit down along the jawbone. Sweep it down like this. And I’m actually going to continue it down like this. It’s just really making her jaw pop. If you have any unwanted skin here, you can do the same thing, and it just makes it look a little firmer. Here we go. Always make sure you’re blending downwards.
So the next place we’re going to contour is up at the temple here. I just like to do a little bit there because it just makes this highlight pop a little bit more. I’m going to blend it into the hairline, continuing upwards. Right on the hairline, and blending down into the forehead. There are other options, too. Like I said, you can use powder. I’m just choosing to use cream for this type of contour, but whatever works for your skin type and whatever you prefer. As long as you follow the steps, I think you’ll get the same results.
The last little piece of contour that I’m going to do, since we highlighted on the top of the nose, is that I’m going to actually contour the side of the nose. So if you feel like your nose is a little too wide, this a good tip for you if you want to slim it down a little. It looks a little bit too bold right now, but we’re going to blend it so no worries, blending downwards. Maybe this isn’t for every day, but definitely if you’re looking for the right look you can do this a little less intense for everyday. And that is how to make your face look thinner with makeup.