The test answers at the end.
The test helps learn and practice to pass the state board of cosmetology written test and get licenses for cosmetology, esthetician, manicurist and barbering. For the written test, state board requires the knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology: Skeletal System, Muscular System, and Circulatory System. This video includes test questions for:
Anatomy, Physiology, Histology
Cells: nucleus, protoplasm, cytoplasm, cell membrane, centrosome: cell reproduction, conditions, cell metabolism: anabolism and catabolism, and the balance of homeostasis; cell reproduction: mitosis and amitosis, and conditions for reproduction
Tissue types: muscular tissue, connective tissue, epithelial tissue, liquid tissue
Organs and their functions; brain, eyes, liver, lungs, kidneys, skin, stomach and intestines, and reproductive organs (listed only)
Systems: circulatory, muscular, nervous (in detail)
Skeletal System: the skull: cranium: occipital bone, parietal bones, frontal bone, temporal bones; facial bones: lacrimal bones (2), nasal bones (2), zygomatic bones, also called molar (cheek) bones, maxillae, mandible (the jaw bone). Bones of the neck: cervical vertebrae, hyoid: Adam’s Apple; bones of the chest: clavicle, scapula, thorax, ribs, sternum. Bones of the arm and hands: humerus, ulna, radius, carpus, metacarpus, Phalanges. Anatomy of leg and foot: femur, tibia, fibula, patella, talus, ankle joint.
Mology; muscular system: types of muscles: striated – voluntary, non-striated — involuntary, cardiac –heart muscle. The 3 parts of the muscle: origin, belly, and insertion; massage from insertion to origin. Muscle of the scalp- occipitofrontalis. Platysma, sternocleidomastoideus muscle.
Circulatory system; blood vascular system, lymph vascular system, lymph glands and the heart; chambers and valves of the heart: right and left atrium, right and left ventricles, valves, atria; blood circulation; pulmonary circulation, systemic or general circulation, red blood cells — red corpuscles – erythrocytes, white blood cells — white corpuscles — leucocytes, platelets, plasma. Arteries of neck, face and hand.
Neurology: study of nerves. Nervous system; cerebrospinal nervous system, peripheral nervous system, Autonomic Nervous System;The 3 types of nerves are sensory-afferent, motor- efferent, and mixed nerves; Nerves of face, neck and hands, including fifth cranial nerve branches, seventh cranial nerve branch.
This video is a test practice for cosmetology Anatomy and Physiology for cosmetology students, beauty school students, esthetician students, students of out of state, cosmetology instructional material for teachers and estheticians; manicuring instructors, barbering instructors, skin care instructors and barbering school instructors.
Video by BeautyHealthtravel Channel