Hello Everyone! This video is about the Maryland State Board Exam Bag Prep for Estheticians. I decided to record this video AFTER I passed the exam so I had already threw some items away not thinking. Sorry! BUT I still wanted to record a video discussing how I packed my bags. I hope this video helps someone out there. Take some time to write down what I post is in each bag. Please comment below if you have questions I’m here to help.
Here is how the bags were supposed to be numbered I screwed up a bit in the video:
#1 Pre- Exam Set Up
#2 Client Protection (Take this out with the cleansing bag on that section)
#3 Cleansing
#4 Steaming
#5 Massage
#6 Mask
#7 Tweezing
#8 Blood Spill
#9 Waxing
Part 2 Available here:
In the part two video I show step by step how I completed each section. The video is about 50 min long.
The PSI packet link is here